
CARAVAN invites artists from diverse disciplines —including professional stage and visual artists, photographers, musicians, designers, writers, and other creatives— to apply for its residency program. CARAVAN seeks to form a multidisciplinary group of six artists from France, the Netherlands, and Spain, two from each country.


This initiative is a collaborative European project established by three partners:  2turvenhoog (Netherlands), Cie ACTA (France), and laSala (Spain). These organizations specialize in creating and presenting artistic work for very young children (ages 0–5 years) and their adult caregivers. Through CARAVAN, they aim to integrate professional artistic practices into the immediate living environments of very young children, fostering innovation and engagement with the very young children and their families. The program invites young and mid-career artists to explore new artistic strategies and models for artistic mediation. Developed through cross-sectoral dialogue and collaboration.


A "caravan" of artists will travel across Europe, creating connections in various socio-cultural communities where the three partner organizations work. During the international residencies, participants will engage in exchanges with other artists and artistic mediators of different nationalities, and local professionals specializing in childhood development.

Intergenerational, peer-to-peer collaboration between the artists, artistic mediators, and experienced artistic coaches from the partner organizations will play a central role in this initiative.


For more information check the websites: 






We invite applications from professional artists with at least three years of experience in fields such as theater, dance, circus theater, visual arts, literature, music. Eligible candidates must:

  • Have a minimum of two years of experience creating for very young audiences (0-5 years old).
  • Demonstrate a strong understanding and curiosity of working with vulnerable audiences (baby’s, young children, families, marginalized communities).
  • Be able to communicate in English (spoken and written) to facilitate collaboration.
  • Be open to European artistic collaboration and interdisciplinary practices.
  • Be available for the defined residency and mobility periods (2025-2027).
  • Commit to presenting research findings and participating in public events, conferences, and discussions.
  • Show willingness to work in collaborative settings with non-artistic professionals (e.g., social workers, educators)

Additional Requirements:
Artists must be prepared to share their experiences in recorded formats for dissemination.



Selected artists will engage in:

  • Residencies: Collaborative research residencies hosted by partner organizations in France, Spain, and the Netherlands.
  • Workshops & Peer Exchanges: Opportunities for interdisciplinary learning with fellow artists and professionals.
  • Festival Participation: Presenting and reflecting on their work during partner festivals, including 2turvenhoog festival (NL), Festival elPetit (ES), and Festival Premières Rencontres (FR).



  • 12-18 April 2025: 2turvenhoog Festival (NL) – 5 days work + 2 travel days
  • 19-25 November 2025: Festival elPetit (ES) – 5 days work + 2 travel days
  • 9-21 March 2026: Festival Premières Rencontres (FR) – 10 days work + 2 travel days 
  • 31 May - 6 June 2026: 2turvenhoog Festival (NL) – 5 days work + 2 travel days
  • 9-15 November 2026: Festival elPetit (ES) – 5 days work + 2 travel days



  • Financial Support:  Fee per working day, according to national regulations regarding legal minimums for the travel of artists (see national collective agreements). Travel, per diem and accommodation will be covered.
  • Professional Development: Coaching and mentorship from experienced artistic leaders of the CARAVAN partners and peer artists.
  • Exposure: Opportunities to present work in international forums and festivals.



Applicants should submit (in English): 

  1. Curriculum Vitae detailing their artistic training and experience.
  2. Motivation Letter addressing:
    • Artistic background and projects that shaped their current practice.
    • Experience working with young children, families, vulnerable audiences /communities.
    • Aspirations for participating in CARAVAN and alignment with the project’s goals.
    • Previous collaborative work with professionals outside the arts (if not, invision)
  3. Documentation of Previous Work (media, portfolio, or descriptive records).



  1. Pre-selection: Based on CVs and letters of motivation.
  2. Interviews: Shortlisted candidates could be invited for an online interview, if considered necessary. 


Deadline for Application: 

  1. Call will be closed on 26 January 2025
  2. We will let you know the committee’s decision on 14 February 2025


For more information and to submit your application, please contact your national organization: 

France: Cie ACTA administration1@acta95.net

Spain: laSala creacio@lasalateatre.cat

The Netherlands: 2turvenhoog info@2turvenhoog.nl



ActualitatVeure'n més


Convocatòria oberta fins el 10 d'abril


Nou projecte europeu liderat per laSala (Catalunya), 2turvenHoog (Holanda) i ACTA (França)


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